This winter I have re-discovered my crock pot. Pulled pork, chicken fricassee, chili, pot roast and beans. Raw ingredients in the morning rendering delicious, savory offerings at night. Nothing novel to it only the rediscovery of time, heat and raw ingredients, a time worn formula for success. I believe that this is not only the formula for good savory food but for life itself. Recently I have received a number of really great recipe books. I love recipe books, more for the thought of creating the fabulous food that is featured then the actual cooking. When I look at the pictures I can almost smell the earthy, savory, salty aromas that waif off the pages as I leaf through the cornucopia of wonderful, soul satisfying dishes. One dish that I recently experienced was a colorful, rich delightfully flavorful bean and squash stew. In the AM I threw into my ever faithful crock pot chunks of peeled, cubed butternut squash, an assortment of colorful dal beans , diced onions, an assortment of herbs and seasoning, some fresh corn kernels, salt and pepper and voila 8 hours later a hearty, vegetarian stew was ready. Although dishes like these take time sometimes all they ask from us is to bring the elements together, provide some heat and then allow for time to do its magic.