No matter where you find yourself it is all about relationships. You and family, you and friends, you and nature, you and you etc. At the Hillsdale Farmer's Market it is no different. The start of the market is like the first day at school, there are the friends from previous years and then all the new kids. Groups form and disband but about mid-term you develop a sense of the kids in your group and start to really get to know one another.
After a 2 year hiatus, River Wave Foods was fortunate enough to be given space at the Hillsdale 2010 market. At the beginning Eamon moved us around a bit but eventually we regularly found ourselves next to Blossom Vinegars. We could not have asked for a nicer neighbor. A beautiful booth and good company. During the slow periods the vendors chat, getting to know one anothers products, listen to weekly reports of market successes and trials. Most of us are entrepreneurs, in the midst of developing our businesses and making a life. The support and encouragement that we gain from each other is vital in keeping our sails full and our vision focused. There are many difficult things in building a food business but one of the nicest perks is the people you meet along the way. Thank you Connie and Jessica for being such great neighbors.